Support the Foundation
You can support the Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation through donations and charitable giving. The most common forms of giving are cash, but there are other types of assets that may be donated. Planned giving options have favorable financial and tax benefits. Your tax-deductible gift may be given in the name of someone that you want to honor or memorialize.
Your tax deductible contribution positively impacts the lives of thousands of people and builds support for and awareness of public art. Public art project sponsorship offers significant philanthropic and marketing opportunities.
Public art contends with a complex urban environment full of unpredictable activities: frequent use, pollution, little security, and the power of natural elements can contribute to wear or damage. While public art may pose myriad conservation challenges, its enhancement of civic life more than justifies the effort to preserve it in public spaces. Our public spaces are critical to a civic life that honors and celebrates our humanity and history. The public art conservation program is built on three basic components: assessment, maintenance, and treatment. It needs your support to ensure that public art continues to enrich our environment, prompt us to ask questions, and feed our imaginations.
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Or Mail Donations To:
Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation
1915 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50309