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Des Moines Art Center Permanent Collections; Purchased with funds from John Pappajohn in memory of Mary Pappajohn, 2023.19
Even Stones Have Eyes
Huma Bhabha’s “Even Stones Have Eyes” (2023) is the 32nd sculpture installed at the John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Park. The 12-foot-high bronze female figure has one arm and stands on a peg leg. The dark patina of the bronze suggests the passage of time. While monumental in size, she is vulnerable. Bhabha often explores such dualities in her work, drawing upon multiple perspectives from humanity’s shared history. The sculpture invites contemplation from various angles, reflecting the mythological Roman god Janus, the god of transitions, doors, gates, and abstract dichotomies such as life and death.
Currently not on view
Overall: 145 7/16 x 50 15/16 × 61 9/16 in., 3000 lb. (369.4 x 129.4 x 156.4 cm, 1360.8 kg.)