“If you believe what I believe, that the souls are light, then you’ve got light within you. So if there’s a connectivity there, then I guess somebody’s got to be the person that starting to really talk about that and that would kind of in a way make me lights muse now wouldn’t it?” the artist says.
The project celebrates the Harlem community and consists of a giant letter “H,” surrounded by an oval aluminum truss, which is suspended from the viaduct. In keeping with Meeker’s past work exploring the properties of light, two different types of light-LED and white full spectrum plasma-will be juxtaposed next to one another, drawing attention to the characteristics of both types of light.
Bentley Meeker is a New York based artist who has illuminated everything from Chelsea Clinton’s wedding to an intimate dinner party for Benazir Bhutto in exile, to state dinners in the White House rose garden. But his passion project is interesting: for the past two summers, Meeker has driven into the heart of the Nevada desert in order to light up Burning Man.