Des Moines, IA: “We recognize that technology changes the way our citizens communicate with one another and engage with government,” said Des Moines City Manager Rick Clark. “We want to make sure that we are able to reach out to those that use social media to build awareness of what local government is doing to make Des Moines one of the best cities to live.”
Residents are invited to go out and “Like” the City of Des Moines page.
Between now and May 11th, residents are also encouraged to vote on their favorite piece of artwork for the city’s 2011 Performance Report. A total of 11 works of art were selected out of 104 entries by a panel of Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation board members and City of Des Moines staff. One piece of art was selected as the cover, and now residents are being asked to pick their favorite of the remaining 10 for the People’s Choice Award.
The piece of art with the highest number of “Likes” on Facebook will win the “People’s Choice Award” for the 2011 Performance Report. Look for the winner to be announced when the 2011 Performance Report is published at the end of June.
The Performance Report is a partnership between the Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation and the City of Des Moines.