Bunker 599 Is A Way Public Art Makes History Accessible

October 20, 2011  |   World
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Bunker 599 [the making of]  Check out this video. During WWII European countries built a series of massive concrete bunkers to protect citizens in the event of attack. Today these bunkers stand abandoned and crumbling throughout Europe, and serve as reminders of the bloodshed that happened on that very soil. Though made to withstand shelling, gunfire, and even bombing, strength was the primary concern of the bunkers’ engineers. Yet with their smooth concrete exteriors, abstracted shapes, and total absence of adornment, the bunkers have a modern minimalist appeal. Featured is the work of photographer Jonathan Andrews. The project is simply titled Bunker 599 and is the result of a collaboration between creative agency Atlelier de Lyon and Rietveld Landscape: “The project is part of a strategy to make this unique part of Dutch history accessible and tangible for a wide variety of visitors.” The goal was to give pedestrians the ability to interact with the landscape and to be able to appreciate the hulking mass of the building.